School of Education Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018 School of Education Programs and Requirements
School of Education Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018
Early Childhood Education (Birth – Grade 2), BA (E102)
Childhood Education (Grades 1 – 6), BA (E101)
Early Childhood (B-Gr 2) and Childhood Education (Gr 1- 6), BA (E103)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education (Gr 5-12) English, BA (E203)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education (Gr 5-12) Mathematics, BA (E204)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education (Gr 5-12) Social Studies, BA (E205)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education Science (Biology or Chemistry (Gr 5-12) or Chemistry (Gr 7-12), BA (E201, E202)
Adolescence Education (Gr 7-12) Foreign Language (French, Italian, Latin, Spanish), BA (E206, E207, E208, E209)
Art Education (All Grades), BFA (E301)
Music Education (All Grades), BMUS (E302)
Early Childhood Education (Birth – Grade 2), BA/MAT (E102)
Childhood Education (Grades 1 – 6), BA/MAT (E101)
Early Childhood (Birth – Grade 2) and Childhood Education (Grades 1 – 6), BA/MAT (E103)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education (Gr 5-12) in English, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Social Studies, French, Spanish, Latin or Italian, BA/MAT (E203, E201, E202, E204, E205, E206, E207, E208, E209)
Visual Arts Education (All Grades), BFA/MAT (E301)
Music Education (All Grades), BMUS/MAT (E302)
Early Childhood Education (Birth – Grade 2), BS/MAT (E102)
Childhood Education (Grades 1 – 6), BS/MAT (E101)
Early Childhood (Birth – Grade 2) and Childhood Education (Grades 1 – 6), BS/MAT (E103)
Early Childhood (Birth – Grade 2) and Special Education: Early Childhood (Birth – Grade 2), BA/MPS (E709)
Childhood Education (Grades 1 – 6) and Special Education: Childhood (Grades 1 – 6), BA/MPS (E701)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education (English, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Social Studies) (Gr 5-12) and Special Education (Gr 7-12), BA/MPS (E704A, E702A, E703A, E705A, E706A)
Teaching of English as a Foreign Language Program: TESOL (All Grades), BA/MPS (E602)
SuperStart (SUPST) option for students who wish to prepare for the MAT program in Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy