POS 3096 Honors Seminar II

This seminar, intended for seniors majoring in Political Science as well as for other students concentrating or minoring in Legal Studies or Criminal Law, will explore ways in which the disciplines of Political Science and Legal Studies interact with the fields of history, philosophy, and literature. Specific themes of the course, which may vary from year to year, include America's Constitutional Heritage; Law, Politics, and Literature; and Law, Politics, and Great Civilizations, Past and Present. The course satisfies the Perspective Requirement for concentrators and minors in Legal Studies and Criminal Law. Students seeking honors in political science must take both Honors Seminar I and Honors Seminar II, or approved equivalent, and write an honors thesis in these courses. Other Seniors majoring in Political Science may take either Honors Seminar I or II and write their senior evaluation in that course. For students seeking Honors in Political Science, Honors Seminar I is ordinarily a prerequisite to Honors Seminar II. For all other students, Honors Seminar II may be taken without having taken Honors Seminar I. This course satisfies the Written Communication competency, since strong emphasis is placed on the writing of research papers. It also satisfies the Social Science distribution.
