PSY 3010 Psychology of Self

As a complement to Psychology of Relationships, this seminar will deal with the growth of the Self and how it is conceived and constructed This material will be examined from historical, developmental, therapeutic and physiological perspectives and will bring in the subjective experience of the infant and of the person who is developing. Thus, it will contain an experiential appreciation of the self and its conceptualization. This will include material from Developmental Psychology, Social Analysis, and Neuroscience. Readings from Erich Fromm, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, William James, Ronald. D. Laing, Ulric Neisser, and Daniel Stern. Secondary material deals with Mary Calkins, George Herbert Mead Erik Erikson, Carl Rogers, Antonio Damasio, Jaak Panksepp and Social Constructionism. Recommended: Fundamentals of Psychology.
