WGS 3770 Spec Stud: Peer Education Theatre Troupe Theatre Group

The goal this course is to deepen our understanding about the culture of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment, as well as systemic oppression (racism, heterosexism, sexism, classism), by devising an original theatre piece that can be performed at summer Freshmen Orientations. Students will be encouraged to examine their own ethnic/cultural/sexual identities as well as other themes such as objectification, relationship violence, and alcohol abuse. The goal is to create a dynamic and provocative performance piece about sexual abuse and discrimination for the Manhattanville community using theatrical devising methods, Playback Theatre and other performance techniques. Inevitably, the course content will force us to be uncomfortable at times and engage in a sometimes difficult, but also rewarding, dialogue, which will extend beyond the classroom onto the campus. Attendance, punctuality, and commitment to the process are crucial for the success of the project. Grades will also be based on reading, video, podcast, and journal assignments posted on Blackboard.
