Library and Information Studies

The Library provides an extensive program of information literacy instruction that helps prepare students to be effective life-long learners in a rapidly changing technological environment. Students learn how to find, obtain, utilize and evaluate information ethically and effectively. This makes all Manhattanville College graduates critical consumers of information in all its forms.

Manhattanville students receive Information Literacy instruction both within the First-Year Program and in dedicated LIS courses. All librarians deliver classroom instruction, working directly with students to solve practical research problems. Students learn about the full spectrum of information resources and which to use for specific applications. Critical evaluation of information sources is among the most important skills that students gain. Information technology tools are integrated within Information Literacy instruction.

Departmental Liaisons

Lauren Ziarko — History, American Studies, Classics/Museum Studies, Sport Studies, Women’s Studies

Lynda Hanley — Education (Doctoral level)

Catherine Medeot — Art History, World Languages, Physics, Studio Art

Paula Moskowitz — Academic Writing, Political Science and Legal Studies, Psychology, World Religions, Education (undergraduate and Masters level), Graduate Business.

Elaine Provenzano — English, Dance and Theatre, World Languages and Literatures

Jeff Rosedale — First Year Program, International Studies, Library and Information Studies, Mathematics and Computer Science, Philosophy, Sociology & Anthropology

Mary-Elizabeth Schaub — Chemistry, Biology, Communication, Digital Media Production

Nancy Bobrek — Economics/Finance/Management, Accounting, Marketing, Music, Philosophy

Information and Research Skills

Starting Fall 2014, the Information Literacy curriculum competency was placed within First-Year Writing. Students who entered the College prior to Fall, 2014, must fulfill a one-credit Information Literacy graduation requirement by taking an LIS designated course. A grade of C- or higher is needed to fulfill this requirement.