EDU5619 Literacy Research Seminar II

This course is the second semester of a year long course to provide students with an in-depth view of the process and products of research in the field of literacy as well as the opportunity to design and conduct an action research project. The first semester is designed to provide students with the opportunity to become familiar with the types of research in this field and the range of methodologies employed in literacy education research. Students learn to critically examine studies related to reading and writing. Students begin to explore topics of interest that arise in their practice. During the second semester, students design and carry out their own action research project and share their findings in both oral and written form. The course is designed to provide future literacy specialists with the skills needed to evaluate literacy research, communicate research findings in a professional manner to colleagues, engage in teacher research, and use research to inform their own practice of literacy education over the span of two semesters. Prerequisite: EDU 5503.




EDU 5503