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Graduate Catalog 2020-2021
Course Offerings
EDU - Education
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Programs of Study
Academic Information
Tuition and Fees
Financial Assistance
Student Services
School of Arts and Sciences Graduate Programs
School of Education Graduate Programs and Requirements
Graduate Teacher Education Program
School of Education Graduate Programs
School of Professional Studies Graduate Programs
Official & Unofficial Transcripts
Registration Requirements & Online Student Resources
Course Offerings
AFS - African Studies
AMS - American Studies
ARH - Art History
ART - Studio Art
ASN - Asian Studies
BIO - Biology
EDAD - Educational Leadership
EDEL - Education
EDPD - Education Prof Development
EDU - Education
EDU 5000
EDU 5001
EDU 5013
EDU 5016
EDU 5017
EDU 5026
EDU 5027
EDU 5032
EDU 5033
EDU 5043
EDU 5063
EDU 5077
EDU 5083
EDU 5085
EDU 5088
EDU 5094
EDU 5098
EDU 5107
EDU 5108
EDU 5109
EDU 5112
EDU 5113
EDU 5128
EDU 5130
EDU 5134
EDU 5147
EDU 5157
EDU 5170
EDU 5200
EDU 5201
EDU 5202
EDU 5203
EDU 5204
EDU 5205
EDU 5206
EDU 5207
EDU 5211
EDU 5215
EDU 5216
EDU 5217
EDU 5225
EDU 5226
EDU 5237
EDU 5238
EDU 5240
EDU 5245
EDU 5247
EDU 5259
EDU 5260
EDU 5272
EDU 5274
EDU 5295
EDU 5295A
EDU 5297
EDU 5298
EDU 5307
EDU 5316
EDU 5317
EDU 5323
EDU 5327
EDU 5331
EDU 5339
EDU 5344
EDU 5350
EDU 5352
EDU 5359
EDU 5360
EDU 5365
EDU 5367
EDU 5371
EDU 5373
EDU 5374
EDU 5375
EDU 5377
EDU 5379
EDU 5380
EDU 5387
EDU 5389
EDU 5391
EDU 5393
EDU 5394
EDU 5396
EDU 5398
EDU 5402
EDU 5403
EDU 5404
EDU 5406
EDU 5407
EDU 5408
EDU 5411
EDU 5412
EDU 5413
EDU 5414
EDU 5420
EDU 5421
EDU 5422
EDU 5425
EDU 5426
EDU 5427
EDU 5428
EDU 5429
EDU 5430
EDU 5431
EDU 5432
EDU 5433
EDU 5439
EDU 5452
EDU 5460
EDU 5477
EDU 5480
EDU 5486
EDU 5490
EDU 5494
EDU 5500
EDU 5502
EDU 5503
EDU 5505
EDU 5506
EDU 5509
EDU 5512
EDU 5514
EDU 5527
EDU 5529
EDU 5533
EDU 5536
EDU 5540
EDU 5541
EDU 5542
EDU 5543
EDU 5544
EDU 5545
EDU 5546
EDU 5548
EDU 5549
EDU 5550
EDU 5551
EDU 5552
EDU 5553
EDU 5554
EDU 5555
EDU 5556
EDU 5557
EDU 5561
EDU 5562
EDU 5563
EDU 5564
EDU 5565
EDU 5567
EDU 5568
EDU 5569
EDU 5570
EDU 5571
EDU 5572
EDU 5573
EDU 5590
EDU 5591
EDU 5592
EDU 5593
EDU 5594
EDU 5595
EDU 5596
EDU 5598
EDU 5598A
EDU 5598B
EDU 5599
EDU 5610
EDU 5611
EDU 5612
EDU 5613
EDU 5614
EDU 5615
EDU 5616
EDU 5617
EDU 5618
EDU 5619
EDU 5620
EDU 5630
EDU 5631
EDU 5632
EDU 5633
EDU 5634
EDU 5635
EDU 5636
EDU 5637
EDU 5640
EDU 5641
EDU 5642
EDU 5643
EDU 5644
EDU 5645
EDU 5646
EDU 5647
EDU 5648
EDU 5649
EDU 5650
EDU 5651
EDU 5652
EDU 5653
EDU 5699
ENE - Education
ENF - English
ENG - English
ENW - English
FLE - Education
GER - German
HIS - History
HLT - Education
HOLC - Holocaust Studies
HOLC - World Religions
HROE - School of Professional Studies
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
IDS - School of Professional Studies
INS - International Studies
MAE - Education
MFIN - School of Professional Studies
MGPS - School of Professional Studies
MKMC - School of Professional Studies
MPE - Education
MSBL - School of Professional Studies
MSBM - School of Professional Studies
MSIM - School of Professional Studies
MSMC - School of Professional Studies
MUA - Music
MUE - Music
MUH - Music
PHL - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
PSY - Psychology
SCE - Education
SSE - Education
WREL - World Religions
School of Education Administration & Staff
Faculty and Staff
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Graduate Catalog 2017-2018
School of Education Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018
School of Education Graduate Catalog 2017-2018
Student Handbook/Code of Conduct 2017-2018
EDU 5000
Foundations of Education
EDU 5001
EDU 5013
Mathematics for the Learning Disabled Student Special Education Course
EDU 5016
Foundations of Bilingual- Bicultural Education
EDU 5017
Foundations of Early Childhood Education
EDU 5026
Literacy in the Content Areas
EDU 5027
Advanced Practicum: Teaching Literacy To Students With Learning & Behavior Problems
EDU 5032
Collaboration and Consultation in Inclusive Setting Spec. Ed. Course
EDU 5033
The Arts in Education
EDU 5043
Cooperative Learning in the Classroom
EDU 5063
EDU 5077
The Adolescent With Learning and Behavior Problems Special Education Course
EDU 5083
Assessment of Students With Learning And Behavioral Problems Special Education Course
EDU 5085
Instructional Strategies for Students With Learning and Behavior Problems - Spec. Ed.
EDU 5088
Introduction to Students With Learning And Behavior Problems - Special Education Course
EDU 5094
Behavior Analysis of Special Needs Students Special Education Course
EDU 5098
Literacy Practicum
EDU 5107
Childhood Mathematics Methods
EDU 5108
Childhood Science Methods
EDU 5109
Childhood Drug Methods
EDU 5112
Childhood Methods for Social Studies
EDU 5113
Childhood Methods for the Arts
EDU 5128
Dynamics of a Middle School
EDU 5130
Classroom Management: Special Ed Special Education Course
EDU 5134
Transition From School to Adult Life Special Education Course
EDU 5147
EDU 5157
Expository Writing Instruction Special Education Course
EDU 5170
Changing Ideas in Museum Education Education Course
EDU 5200
Structure of English
EDU 5201
Principles Lang Learning & Teach
EDU 5202
Intro to Lang/Linguistics
EDU 5204
Methods of Tesol
EDU 5205
Integrating Culture, Literature and Literacy in Second Language Instruction
EDU 5206
Methods of Foreign Language Instruction
EDU 5207
Testing and Evaluation in a Second Language
EDU 5211
Intro to Multicultural Classroom
EDU 5215
Teaching ESL in Content Areas
EDU 5216
Cult Perspectives for Educators
EDU 5217
Working With Parents in Inclusive Early Childhood Settings
EDU 5225
Supervising Teaching: a Collaborative Approach to Student Teaching Prep
EDU 5226
The Teacher As Researcher
EDU 5237
Problem Solving in Mathematics
EDU 5238
Internship/Practicum & Sem ESL
EDU 5240
Teach Writing:a Process Approach Literacy Course
EDU 5245
Methods of Teaching Foreign Language In the Grades
EDU 5247
Sec Lang Learn W/ Spec Needs
EDU 5259
Young Writers Workshop Literacy Course Childhood Through Adulthood Special Education & Literacy Course
EDU 5260
Seminar on Child Abuse
EDU 5272
The Holocaust in the English & Social Studies Classroom
EDU 5274
Methods Teaching Literacy II
EDU 5295
Teaching Health/Physical Education And Family/Consumer Education
EDU 5295A
Childhood Drug Ed Methods 1-6
EDU 5297
Information Literacy for Educators
EDU 5298
Early Childhood Inclusive Strategies
EDU 5307
Observing, Assessing and Understanding Child Development: Birth -Grade 2
EDU 5316
Beyond Teaching: Organizational And Management Strategies for the Beginning Art Teacher
EDU 5317
EDU 5323
The Integrated Curriculum in ECE I: Math, Science and Technology
EDU 5327
Writing Workshop for Teachers
EDU 5331
The Middle School: New Insights
EDU 5339
Teaching Geography in the Social Studies Classroom
EDU 5344
Child Development and Learning
EDU 5350
Human Geography for Education
EDU 5352
Historical Linguistics
EDU 5359
Problem-Based Learning
EDU 5360
EDU 5365
Teaching Reading in ESL Math, Science and Technology
EDU 5367
Methods Teaching Literacy I
EDU 5371
Technology in Special Education
EDU 5373
School Violence Prevention
EDU 5374
Teaching Methods and Curriculum Grades 7-12 General
EDU 5375
Teaching Economics in the Social Studies Classroom
EDU 5377
Science Curriculum & Methods Gr 5-12
EDU 5379
Art Education Workshop: Early Education Through Adolescence
EDU 5380
Curriculum, Management and Assessment In Childhood Education
EDU 5387
Fundamentals of Middle Childhood Education
EDU 5389
Teaching Literacy Skills Grades 5-9 School Thru Collaborative Study of Social Identity
EDU 5391
Aesthetic Literacy
EDU 5393
Foundations of Special Education
EDU 5394
Student Teaching & Seminar: Childhood Education
EDU 5396
Theoretical and Historical Foundations Of Literacy
EDU 5398
Student Teaching & Sem: Early Childhood And Childhood Education
EDU 5402
Language, Literacy and Culture (Birth - Grade 6)
EDU 5403
Mathematic Curriculum and Methodology: Grades 5-12
EDU 5404
Student Teaching & Sem: Early Childhood And Adolescence Education
EDU 5406
Language, Literacy and Culture (Grades 5-12)
EDU 5407
English Curriculum and Method: Grades 5-12
EDU 5408
Student Teaching & Seminar: Music Education
EDU 5411
Social Studies Curriculum & Methodology In Middle Childhood and Adolescence Education
EDU 5412
Student Teaching & Seminar: Art Education
EDU 5413
Early Literacy: Foundational Skills in Language and Learning
EDU 5414
Organizing & Leading Literacy Programs
EDU 5420
Site-Based Teaching Internship
EDU 5421
Multisensory Reading Instruction (PAF) Part 1 Literacy and Special Ed Course
EDU 5422
Multisensory Reading Instruction (PAF) Part II Literacy and Special Ed Course
EDU 5425
Student Teaching & Seminar: Early Childhood Education
EDU 5426
Student Teaching & Seminar: Special Education (Early Childhood)
EDU 5427
Student Teaching & Seminar: Special Education (Childhood)
EDU 5428
Student Teaching & Seminar: Special Education (Early Childhood/Childhood)
EDU 5429
Student Teaching and Seminar: Special Education (Middle Childhood)
EDU 5430
Student Teaching & Sem: TESOL Education (All Grades)
EDU 5431
Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education
EDU 5432
Student Teaching & Seminar: Childhood And Special Education
EDU 5433
Student Teaching & Seminar: Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education and Special Education
EDU 5439
Teaching English As a Foreign Language An Overview of International and Adult Settings
EDU 5452
Strategies for Teaching Young Children And Guiding Their Behavior
EDU 5460
The Integrated Curriculum in ECE II: Social Studies, Expressive Arts, Health And Safety
EDU 5477
Research Seminar in Early Childhood Education
EDU 5480
EDU 5486
Music, Storytelling & Creative Drama Westchester Partnership Course
EDU 5490
Teaching Literacy Skills Grades 7-12
EDU 5494
Literacy Development Gr 3-6
EDU 5500
Multicultural Classrooms and Communities
EDU 5502
Multisensory Reading Practicum
EDU 5503
Literacy Research Seminar
EDU 5505
Organizing and Supervising a School Literacy Program
EDU 5506
Language and Learning: Relation to Academic Success
EDU 5509
Methods of Printmaking
EDU 5512
Reading and Writing Practicum I
EDU 5514
Reading & Writing Pract II
EDU 5527
Teaching With Technology in Math, Science, English Or Social Studies
EDU 5529
Teaching With Technology
EDU 5533
Issues and Strategies in Educational Technology
EDU 5536
Field-Based Educational Research
EDU 5540
Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
EDU 5541
Ethical Considerations
EDU 5542
Behavior Analysis in Education
EDU 5543
Behavior Analysis II:Practicum
EDU 5544
Behavior Analysis II:Clinical Applied Behavior
EDU 5545
Behavior Analysis III: Practicum in Clinical Applied Behavior
EDU 5546
Teaching ELL's With Special Needs
EDU 5548
Teaching ESL Through an Arts-Integrated Approach
EDU 5549
Sustainability Education Institute
EDU 5550
Research Seminar in Special Education And Literacy
EDU 5551
Environmental Concepts & Design For Middle School
EDU 5552
Behavior Management That Work
EDU 5553
Childhood Instructional Strategies For Inclusive Settings
EDU 5554
Teaching in a Bilingual Context
EDU 5555
Teaching Content in Bilingual Context
EDU 5556
Teaching With the Smart Board
EDU 5557
Education for Sustainability Institute For K-5 Educators: Connecting Children With Nature and Community
EDU 5561
Classroom Management and Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education
EDU 5562
Administering Children's Programs In Early Childhood Education
EDU 5563
Student Teaching and Seminar: Special Education 7-12
EDU 5564
Teaching Writing and Thinking B-6
EDU 5565
Special Education Content Strategies For Grades 7-12
EDU 5567
Education for Sustainability
EDU 5568
Earth Citizenship
EDU 5569
Critical Pedagogy of Place
EDU 5570
Sustainabiltiy Action
EDU 5571
Student Teaching & Seminar: Adolescence Education and Special Education
EDU 5572
Current Trends in Early Childhood Education
EDU 5573
Autism Spectrum Disorder & Other Low Incidence Disabilities
EDU 5590
Masters Comprehensive Exam
EDU 5591
Childhood Ed Culminating Experience Report
EDU 5592
Masters Final Project
EDU 5593
Special Education Comp Exam
EDU 5594
Literacy Comprehensive Exam
EDU 5595
Independent Study
EDU 5596
Site-Based Mentorship
EDU 5598
Dignity for All Students Workshop
EDU 5598A
Dignity for All Students Workshop 1
EDU 5598B
Dignity for All Students Workshop Part 2
EDU 5599
Science Education Professional Portfolio
EDU 5610
An Arts Approach to Literacy
EDU 5611
Literacy Instruction of the English Language Learner in the Classroom
EDU 5612
Assessment and Intervention in Literacy Instruction
EDU 5613
Teaching Writing and Thinking 5-12
EDU 5614
Writing Workshop for Teachers and Young People
EDU 5615
Global and Multicultural Readings in Children's Literature (Birth Through 6)
EDU 5616
Study of Literature 5-12
EDU 5617
New Technologies and Literacy
EDU 5618
Literacy, Storytelling, Drama
EDU 5619
Literacy Research Seminar II
EDU 5620
Education and Entrepreneurship in The 21st Century
EDU 5630
Teaching Multisensory Reading 1
EDU 5631
Teaching Multisensory Reading 2
EDU 5632
Reading Reform Foundation Of Ny Practicum I
EDU 5633
Reading Reform of Ny Practicum II
EDU 5634
Elementary Literacy Practicum I: K to Grade Two
EDU 5635
Elementary Literacy Practicum Ii: Grades Three to Six
EDU 5636
Secondary Literacy Practicum I: Grades Five to Eight
EDU 5637
Secondary Literacy Practicum Ii: Grades Nine to Twelve
EDU 5640
Principles and Concepts of ABA Analysis
EDU 5641
Ethical and Prof Conduct in ABA
EDU 5642
Measure and Single Experimental Designs
EDU 5643
Develop and Increasing Behaviors
EDU 5644
Functional Behavior Analysis
EDU 5645
Advanced Topics in ABA
EDU 5646
Maintaining Client Records in Applied Behavior Analysis
EDU 5647
Verbal Behavior
EDU 5648
Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis 1
EDU 5649
Intensive Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis 1
EDU 5650
Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis 2
EDU 5651
Intensive Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis 2
EDU 5652
Research in Applied Behavior Analysis
EDU 5653
Trends and Issues in Applied Behavior Analysis Research
EDU 5699
Capstone Project
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EDU - Education