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Undergraduate College Catalog 2022-2023
Course Offerings
EDU - Education
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School of Arts and Sciences, School of Education, School of Nursing and Health Sciences Programs of Study
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Undergraduate Programs of Study (Majors, Minors and Requirements)
Course Offerings
ACC - Economics, Finance & Mgmt
AFS - African Studies
AMS - American Studies
ANTH - Sociology & Anthropology
ARB - World Languages & Literatures
ARH - Art History
ART - Studio Art
ASN - Asian Studies
BHS - Behavioral Studies
BHS - Interdisciplinary Studies
BIO - Biology
CAM - Digital Media Prod Interdisc
CHM - Chemistry
CSCH - Castle Scholars Honors Prgm
DES - UG Dean of Arts and Sciences
DGMP - Digital Media Prod Interdisc
DTH - Dance & Theatre
ECO - Economics, Finance & Mgmt
EDU - Education
EDU 3001
EDU 3003
EDU 3004
EDU 3012
EDU 3016
EDU 3017
EDU 3020
EDU 3021
EDU 3022
EDU 3023
EDU 3024
EDU 3027
EDU 3028
EDU 3030
EDU 3032
EDU 3034
EDU 3039
EDU 3040
EDU 3041
EDU 3045
EDU 3107
EDU 3108
EDU 3112
EDU 3113
EDU 3205
EDU 3237
EDU 3245
EDU 3273
EDU 3278
EDU 3295
EDU 3295A
EDU 3316
EDU 3339
EDU 3359
EDU 3360
EDU 3367
EDU 3369
EDU 3370
EDU 3375
EDU 3376
EDU 3380
EDU 3384
EDU 3387
EDU 3390
EDU 3452
EDU 3460
EDU 3567
EDU 3568
EDU 3569
EDU 3598
EDU 3613
EDU 3615
ENC - Academic Writing & Comp
ENE - Education
ENF - English
ENG - English
ENW - English
FIN - Economics, Finance & Mgmt
FRN - World Languages & Literatures
FYP - First Year Program
GER - World Languages & Literatures
GINS - Global International Studies
HIS - History
HOLC - Holocaust Studies
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
IDS - UG Dean of Arts and Sciences
ITL - World Languages & Literatures
JPN - World Languages & Literatures
KAPL - UG Dean of Arts and Sciences
LIS - Library Skills
MAC - Mathematics & Computer Science
MATH - Mathematics & Computer Science
MGT - Economics, Finance & Mgmt
MKT - Economics, Finance & Mgmt
MPE - Education
MSTUD - Art History
MUA - Music
MUAT - Music
MUB - Music
MUE - Music
MUET - Music
MUH - Music
MUKH - Music
MUTR - Music
MVL - UG Dean of Arts and Sciences
NUR - School of Nursing Health Sci
PHL - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POS - Political Science & Legal Stud
PSY - Psychology
RAD - School of Nursing Health Sci
SOC - Sociology & Anthropology
SPN - World Languages & Literatures
SPRT - Sport Studies Interdisc
SSE - Education
WGS - Women's and Gender Studies
WREL - World Religions
Faculty and Staff
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Graduate Catalog 2023-2024
Student Handbook/Code of Conduct 2023-2024
Undergraduate College Catalog 2022-2023
Graduate Catalog 2022-2023
Student Handbook/Code of Conduct 2022-2023
Undergraduate College Catalog 2021-2022
Graduate Catalog 2021-2022
Student Handbook/Code of Conduct 2021-2022
Undergraduate College Catalog 2020-2021
Graduate Catalog 2020-2021
Student Handbook/Code of Conduct 2020-2021
Undergraduate College Catalog 2019-2020
Graduate Catalog 2019-2020
Student Handbook/Code of Conduct 2019-2020
Undergraduate College Catalog 2018-2019
Graduate Catalog 2018-2019
School of Education Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019
School of Education Graduate Catalog 2018-2019
Student Handbook/Code of Conduct 2018-2019
Undergraduate College Catalog 2017-2018
Graduate Catalog 2017-2018
School of Education Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018
School of Education Graduate Catalog 2017-2018
Student Handbook/Code of Conduct 2017-2018
EDU 3001
EDU 3003
American Sign Language
EDU 3004
American Sign Language II
EDU 3012
Observing, Assessing and Understanding Child Development: Birth - Grade 2
EDU 3016
The Integrated Currriculum in Ece I: Math, Science and Technology
EDU 3017
Foundations of Early Childhood Education
EDU 3020
Social Studies Curriculum and Methodology: Grades 5-12
EDU 3021
English Curriculum and Methodology: Grades 5-12
EDU 3022
Mathematics Curriculum and Methodology: Grades 5-12
EDU 3023
Science Curriculum and Methodology: Grades 5-12
EDU 3024
Curriculum & Methodology in Middle Childhood and Adolescence Education: General
EDU 3027
Student Teaching & Seminar: Early Childhood Education
EDU 3028
Second Language Curriculum and Methodology (grades 5-12)
EDU 3030
Early Literacy
EDU 3032
Student Teaching & Seminar: Childhood Education
EDU 3034
Art Education Workshop: Early Childhood Through Adolescence
EDU 3039
Student Teaching & Seminar: Early Childhood/Childhood Education
EDU 3040
Theatre Education: Early Childhood/ Elementary
EDU 3041
Theatre Education: Grades 7-12
EDU 3045
Student Teaching Seminar: Theater Education
EDU 3107
Math Methods for Childhood Education
EDU 3108
Childhood Science Education Methods
EDU 3112
Childhood Social Studies Methods
EDU 3113
Childhood Art Methods
EDU 3205
Integrating Culture, Literacy and Literature in Second Language Instruction
EDU 3237
Problem Solving in Mathematics Methodology: Grades 5-12
EDU 3245
Methods of Teaching Foreign Language in The Grades
EDU 3273
Teaching Literacy Skills in the Middle School Through Collaborative Study Of Social Identity
EDU 3278
Literacy in the Content Areas
EDU 3295
Teaching Health Education, Physical Education, and the Family and Consumer Education
EDU 3295A
Childhood Drug Ed Methods 1-6
EDU 3316
Beyond Teaching: Organizational and Management Strategies for the Beginning Art Teacher
EDU 3339
Teaching Geography in the Social Studies Classroom
EDU 3359
Problem-Based Learning Mathematics, Science and Technology
EDU 3360
EDU 3367
Methods Teaching Literacy and Language Arts I
EDU 3369
Methods Teaching Literacy and Language Arts II
EDU 3370
Aesthetic Literacy
EDU 3375
Teaching Economics in the Social Studies Classroom
EDU 3376
Fundamentals of Middle Childhood Education
EDU 3380
Curriculum, Management & Assessment In Childhood Education
EDU 3384
Student Teaching & Seminar: Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education
EDU 3387
Student Teaching & Seminar: Music Education
EDU 3390
Student Teaching & Seminar: Art Education
EDU 3452
Strategies for Teaching Young Children And Guiding Their Behavior
EDU 3460
The Integrated Curriculum in Ece Ii: Social Studies, Expressive Arts, Health and Safety
EDU 3567
Education for Sustainability
EDU 3568
Earth Citizenship
EDU 3569
Critical Pedagogy of Place
EDU 3598
Dignity for All Students Workshop
EDU 3613
Teaching Writing & Thinking
EDU 3615
Global and Multicultural Readings in Children's Literature (Birth Through 6)
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EDU - Education