Center for Inclusion

The Center for Inclusion at Manhattanville College serves to provide a space in which all Valiants, particularly students of color and students of a diverse background feel supported, welcomed and comfortable.  The Center provides a series of programming and workshops, intercultural competency training, student advocacy and outreach to the larger Manhattanville community.  Students are invited to participate in our bi-weekly lunch and learn, cultural exploration field trips, and monthly events around different important topics with speakers from various marginalized groups.  Our work is driven by the need to create a student experience in which all students are valued and respected regardless of race, class, gender and sexuality, gender expression, disability, religion or beliefs.  In doing so, the Center supports students’ academic, social, cultural, and personal well-being and will allow students the opportunity to empower and educate themselves, their peers, and their community.

The Center for Inclusion is located in Tenney Hall, Ground Floor. .

Manhattanville Advancement Program (MAP)

MAP is an educational opportunity program for first-year students seeking a college education with financial assistance.   Beyond the traditional academic focus of most scholarship programs, MAP focuses on the development of the whole student from academic preparedness, co-curricular engagement and emotional well-being. . The MAP scholarship is a four-year commitment providing a broad range of services including academic, personal, and career counseling. First Year students participate in a Summer Intensive Program (August), community service activities, Back 2 School Night events, career workshops and tutoring sessions. 

Manhattanville First Generation Residential Program

Manhattanville First provides targeted support and programs to students who identify as first generation. Manhattanville defines first generation college students as neither parent having a BA degree. Students will receive individualized attention from their Success Coach; attend monthly workshops and speakers that will assist first generation college students through their four-year journey at Manhattanville. If interested in learning more about the program, please email the Center for Inclusion at