Alcohol and Controlled Substances Educational Programs

Manhattanville College has developed a program to prevent the illicit use of the abuse of alcohol and drugs by students. The program provides services related to alcohol and drug abuse including dissemination of informational materials, educational programs, counseling services, referrals and college disciplinary actions.

AlcoholEdu for College

AlcoholEdu for College is an online comprehensive course designed to educate students about alcohol and its effects. AlcoholEdu for College creates a learning experience that clarifies unrealistic expectations about the effects of alcohol, links choices about drinking to academic and personal success, and helps students practice healthier and safer decision-making. The course aims not to preach but rather to teach the facts about alcohol and its effects on the mind and body. Whether or not you drink, AlcoholEdu for College empowers students to make well-informed decisions and provides some simple strategies to help keep you and your friends safe.

AlcoholEdu for Sanctions

Any violation of the College's Drug and Alcohol Policy may be disciplined in accordance with the College's disciplinary procedures for students. Further, the College may refer the student for criminal prosecution. Any sanction imposed by the College is independent of, and is in addition to, any penalty imposed in connection with a criminal conviction.

The sanctions that may be imposed on a student include, but are not limited to, warning, educational, disciplinary probation, mandated counseling/alcohol or drug use prevention program, deferred suspension, suspension, dismissal and expulsion from College housing and/or the College. In determining a sanction, the College will consider the nature and severity of the violation, the impact of the transaction on the campus community, and the student's disciplinary history.

AlcoholEdu for Sanctions helps students who have violated alcohol policies make safer and healthier choices – and avoid getting in trouble again. The course provides a strong educational foundation to support campus judicial programs and is an essential component of a comprehensive alcohol prevention initiative.