Title IX Grievance Process

Filing a Formal Complaint


The timeframe for the Title IX Grievance Process begins with the filing of a Formal Complaint. The Grievance Process will be concluded within a reasonably prompt manner, and no longer than ninety (90) business days after the filing of the Formal Complaint, provided that the Process may be extended for good reason, including but not limited to the absence of a party, a party’s advisor, or a witness; concurrent law enforcement activity; periods of break or holiday in the College calendar, or the need for language assistance or accommodation of disabilities. The procedure for applying for extensions is described below.


To file a Formal Complaint, a complainant must provide the Title IX Coordinator a written, signed complaint describing the facts alleged. Complainants are only able to file a Formal Complaint under this Policy if they are currently participating in, or attempting to participate in, the education programs or activities of Manhattanville College, including as an employee. For complainants who do not meet this criteria, the College will utilize existing policy in the Sexual Misconduct Policy.


If a complainant does not wish to make a Formal Complaint, the Title IX Coordinator may determine a Formal Complaint is necessary. Manhattanville College will inform the complainant of this decision in writing, and the complainant need not participate in the process further but will receive all notices issued under this Policy and Process.


Nothing in the Title IX Grievance Policy or other relevant College policies prevents a complainant from seeking the assistance of state or local law enforcement alongside the appropriate on-campus process.



Multi-Party Situations

The institution may consolidate Formal Complaints alleging covered sexual harassment against more than one respondent, or by more than one complainant against one or more respondents, or by one party against the other party, where the allegations of covered sexual harassment arise out of the same facts or circumstances.

Determining Jurisdiction

The Title IX Coordinator of designee will determine if the instant Title IX Grievance Process should apply to a Formal Complaint. The Process will apply when all of the following elements are met, in the reasonable determination of the Title IX Coordinator:

  1. The conduct is alleged to have occurred on or after August 14, 2020;
  2. The conduct is alleged to have occurred in the United States;
  3. The conduct is alleged to have occurred in Manhattanville College’s education program or activity; and
  4. The alleged conduct, if true, would constitute covered sexual harassment as defined in this policy.

If all of the elements are met, Manhattanville College will investigate the allegations according to the Grievance Process.


Allegations Potentially Falling Under Two Policies

If the alleged conduct, if true, includes conduct that would constitute covered sexual harassment and conduct that would not constitute covered sexual harassment, the Title IX Grievance Process will be applied in the investigation and adjudication of all of the allegations.

Mandatory Dismissal

If any one of these elements are not met, the Title IX Coordinator or designee will notify the parties that the Formal Complaint is being dismissed for the purposes of the Title IX Grievance Policy. Each party may appeal this dismissal using the procedure outlined in “Appeals,” below.


Discretionary Dismissal

The Title IX Coordinator or designee may dismiss a Formal Complaint brought under the Title IX Grievance Policy, or any specific allegations raised within that Formal Complaint, at any time during the investigation or hearing, if:

  • A complainant notifies the Title IX Coordinator in writing that they would like to withdraw the Formal Complaint or any allegations raised in the Formal Complaint;
  • The respondent is no longer enrolled or employed by Manhattanville College; or,
  • If specific circumstances prevent Manhattanville College from gathering evidence sufficient to reach a determination regarding the Formal Complaint or allegations within the Formal Complaint.

Any party may appeal a dismissal determination using the process set forth in “Appeals,” below.


Notice of Dismissal

Upon reaching a decision that the Formal Complaint will be dismissed, the institution will promptly send written notice of the dismissal of the Formal Complaint or any specific allegation within the Formal Complaint, and the reason for the dismissal, simultaneously to the parties through their institutional email accounts. It is the responsibility of parties to maintain and regularly check their email accounts.


Notice of Removal

Upon dismissal for the purposes of Title IX, Manhattanville College retains discretion to utilize the Student Code of Conduct, Employee Handbook, or Sexual Misconduct Policy to determine if a violation of any of those policies has occurred. If so, Manhattanville College will promptly send written notice of the dismissal of the Formal Complaint under the Title IX Grievance Process and removal of the allegations to the applicable process.


Notice of Allegations

The Title IX Coordinator will draft and provide the Notice of Allegations to any party to the allegations of sexual harassment. Such notice will occur as soon as practicable, no later than 10 business days after the institution receives a Formal Complaint of the allegations, if there are no extenuating circumstances.


The parties will be notified by their institutional email accounts if they are a student or employee, and by other reasonable means if they are neither.


The institution will provide sufficient time for the parties to review the Notice of Allegations and prepare a response before any initial interview.


The Title IX Coordinator, Investigator, or designee may determine that the Formal Complaint must be dismissed on the mandatory grounds identified above, and will issue a Notice of Dismissal. If such a determination is made, any party to the allegations of sexual harassment identified in the Formal Complaint will receive the Notice of Dismissal in conjunction with, or in separate correspondence after, the Notice of Allegations.


Contents of Notice

The Notice of Allegations will include the following:

  • Notice of the institution’s Title IX Grievance Process and a hyperlink to a copy of the process.
  • Notice of the allegations potentially constituting covered sexual harassment, and sufficient details known at the time the Notice is issued, such as the identities of the parties involved in the incident, if known, including the complainant; the conduct allegedly constituting covered sexual harassment; and the date and location of the alleged incident, if known.
  • A statement that the respondent is presumed not responsible for the alleged conduct and that a determination regarding responsibility is made at the conclusion of the grievance process.
  • A statement that the parties may have an advisor of their choice, who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney, as required under 34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b)(5)(iv);
  • A statement that before the conclusion of the investigation, the parties may inspect and review evidence obtained as part of the investigation that is directly related to the allegations raised in the Formal Complaint, including the evidence upon which the institution does not intend to rely in reaching a determination regarding responsibility, and evidence that both tends to prove or disprove the allegations, whether obtained from a party or other source, as required under 34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b)(5)(vi);
  • A statement that prohibits knowingly making false statements or knowingly submitting false information during the grievance process.


Ongoing Notice

If, in the course of an investigation, the institution decides to investigate allegations about the complainant or respondent that are not included in the Notice of Allegations and are otherwise covered "sexual harassment” falling within the Title IX Grievance Policy, the institution will notify the parties whose identities are known of the additional allegations by their institutional email accounts or other reasonable means.


The parties will be provided sufficient time to review the additional allegations to prepare a response before any initial interview regarding those additional charges.


Advisor of Choice and Participation of Advisor of Choice

Manhattanville College will provide the parties equal access to advisors and support persons; any restrictions on advisor participation will be applied equally.


The College has a long-standing practice of requiring students to participate in the process directly and not through an advocate or representative. Students participating as Complainant or Respondent in this process may be accompanied by an Advisor of Choice to any meeting or hearing to which they are required or are eligible to attend. The Advisor of Choice is not an advocate. Except where explicitly stated by this Policy, as consistent with the Final Rule, Advisors of Choice shall not participate directly in the process as per standard policy and practice of Manhattanville College.


The College will not intentionally schedule meetings or hearings on dates where the Advisors of Choice for all parties are not available, provided that the Advisors act reasonably in providing available dates and work collegiality to find dates and times that meet all schedules.


Manhattanville College’s obligations to investigate and adjudicate in a prompt timeframe under Title IX and other college policies apply to matters governed under this Policy, and the College cannot agree to extensive delays solely to accommodate the schedule of an Advisor of Choice. The determination of what is reasonable shall be made by the Title IX Coordinator or designee. The College will not be obligated to delay a meeting or hearing under this process more than five

  1. days due to the unavailability of an Advisor of Choice, and may offer the party the opportunity to obtain a different Advisor of Choice.


Notice of Meetings and Interviews

Manhattanville College will provide, to a party whose participation is invited or expected, written notice of the date, time, location, participants, and purpose of all hearings, investigative interviews, or other meetings with a party, with sufficient time for the party to prepare to participate.



Each party may request a one-time delay in the Grievance Process of up to five (5) days for good cause (granted or denied in the sole judgment of the Title IX Coordinator, Investigators, or designee) provided that the requestor provides reasonable notice and the delay does not overly inconvenience other parties.


For example, a request to take a five-day pause made an hour before a hearing for which multiple parties and their advisors have traveled to and prepared for shall generally not be granted, while a request for a five day pause in the middle of investigation interviews to allow a party to obtain certain documentary evidence shall generally be granted.


The Title IX Coordinator shall have sole judgment to grant further pauses in the Process.