CAM.2073 Media Literacy and Popular Culture

We live in a mediated world. From the moment we wake up and check our smartphones, to the end of the day when we fall asleep in the glow of our laptops or television screens, our lives are filled with the images, words, and sounds generated and distributed by media industries. Media literacy and popular culture focuses on the ways in which we can critically examine the media and make choices about our beliefs are perspectives related to particular topics. In this case, we focus on messages that are sent in entertainment media and popular culture. Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media. These are the skills you will develop in this course. In this course you will develop a high level of media literacy proficiency concerning analysis of media technologies, structures, and economics of media industries. You will learn to critically evaluate media messages, explore how media influence individuals and societies, and learn to be an active participant rather than a massive consumer. You additionally will learn the best ways to showcase your understanding in critical, well-researched, media writing. This course includes extensive examination of concepts of media effects on behavior, values, and social/political structures, with an emphasis on contemporary media and the consequences of the shift of an online digital environment. We will explore the key concepts of media literacy and critical thinking.
