CAM.3025 Media and Communication Studies Theories and Methodologies

This course is designed for students studying media in all forms, to better understand how to apply theory to practice. The course also demonstrates research methodologies so students understand the ways in which theories are tested and used. The purpose of this course is to explore the theories that are most directly tied to our understanding of media, such as critical cultural theories, framing theories, intercultural theories, and so forth. Given that the media and communication field is so multidisciplinary, we have borrowed and learned from theories that have developed in other disciplines. To honor that tradition, we will explore theories from media studies, communication, sociology, psychology, political science, etc. We will discuss theories from an intersectional perspective while addressing a variety of world views. At the end of the course, students will be able to apply theories to the world, the media they consume, and the media they create at macro and micro levels.
