SuperStart (SUPST) option for students who wish to prepare for the MAT program in Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy

The SuperStart program is designed for undergraduate students interested in completing an MAT in Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. SuperStart students should apply through the graduate admissions office for the MAT in Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy by October 1 of the senior year. An undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better is required for admission to MAT programs.

The MAT in Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy has certain Liberal Arts requirements as well as additional prerequisite courses needed for New York State Teacher Certification. Students are advised to try to meet the Liberal Arts requirements during the undergraduate program.

Program Requirements

To prepare to meet the additional prerequisites, the undergraduate student can enroll in one or more of the following courses during the BA program, depending on the number of free elective credits available in their major (students must check with their major advisor). Students whose schedule does not allow for these additional courses can complete them while enrolled in the graduate program in addition to the 39 graduate credits in the MAT program.

Prerequisite courses, of which one or more may be taken during the undergraduate program:

EDU.2000Fundamentals of Schools and Teaching


SSE.2025Child Development and Learning


SPRT.3545Applied Exercise Physiology for Physical Education and Sport Performance


SPRT.3542Applied Kinesiology for Physical Education and Sport Performance



SPRT.3546Sports Nutrition





SPRT.3548Motor Development and Learning



October 1st of senior year you should apply to graduate admissions

SuperStart students will complete the remaining credits in their MAT program in Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy after completion of the BA degree. They may become eligible for state certification in Physical Education grades K-12 upon completion of the MAT degree.