Educational Support

Undergraduate Academic Advising

The Office of Undergraduate Academic Advising is located in Brownson Hall. Its professional staff serve as primary academic advisors for all students who have not declared a major, and as standby advisors for all undergraduates.  Professional advisors are assigned to students according to their major area of interest.

Our team of Professional Academic Advisors educates students about the University’s policies, procedures, and expectations, and works with students both individually and in small groups to explore their interests and develop their academic and personal goals. Students will learn about the University’s degree requirements, course selection and registration process, curricular and co-curricular opportunities, and they will receive appropriate support and referrals to other campus resources as needed. When students declare their major, a faculty advisor in the major is also assigned to work with them in addition to their professional advisor. The Advising Office will assist students in transitioning to a faculty advisor when they declare a major, and will then continue to serve as a resource for all students through graduation.


Academic Resource Center

The Academic Resource Center provides free online tutoring to all undergraduate students in a variety of subjects at all levels of the curriculum. Tutoring is available for most subjects 24/7 through Manhattanville's partnership with NetTutor. Additionally, in-person workshops on study skills and time management are offered in Library 118 throughout the academic year.


For additional information, visit or call 914-323-5474.

Center for Student Accessibility

The Center for Student Accessibility partners with students to empower them to take ownership of their college journey. By modeling problem-solving strategies, our staff helps to promote self-determination and self-advocacy skills in order to enhance students' abilities to use their own strengths to address challenges. These are skills students will carry with them beyond their years at Manhattanville.

In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Manhattanville University strives to ensure that “no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program administered by the University.” As per federal law:

An individual is defined as having a disability if they are an individual who (1) has a physical or psychological impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities; or (2) has a record of such impairment; or (3) is regarded as having such an impairment.

Self-Identification and Accommodations

To request accommodations, please refer to the following procedure:

  1. Log in to the Student Health Portal using your Manhattanville University username and password.
  2. Hover over the “Accommodations” tab in the sidebar and then select “Application” from the drop down menu
  3. Proceed to complete the application as listed on Page 1
  4. Upload any supporting documentation that you have on Page 2 (please note – you can submit the application without uploading documentation, but it will be incomplete until you either upload it at a later time, or deliver it to a Center for Student Accessibility staff member).
  5. Fill out the Valiant Learning Support Program and Pathways and Connections Program Application on Page 3
  6. Submit your application.
  7. Schedule an intake interview with a staff member at CSA by calling 914-323-1434 or 914-323-7127. Please note that your application is incomplete until this intake interview is completed.

Please do not delay your meeting or your application for accommodations out of concern for not having documentation readily available. It can be submitted at a later date for review while a CSA staff works with you on temporary or provisional accommodations.


Students diagnosed with a disability that request services or reasonable accommodations may be asked to provide appropriate and current documentation. In the case of multiple disabilities, students may be asked to provide documentation for each disability for which accommodations are requested. Prior documentation such as an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a history of receiving accommodations from a former school does not necessarily validate the need for services or continuation of accommodations at the college level. This history can, however, be attached to the current documentation as part of a comprehensive assessment battery. The determination of reasonable accommodations on campus is based on satisfying the documentation guidelines outlined below and a clear demonstration of the functional limitations on the student’s performance in an academic setting. These guidelines apply to all disability types recognized by the ADA.

Documentation should meet the following guidelines:

  • A qualified professional should conduct the evaluation and provide name, title, professional credentials.
  • The evaluation should include the diagnosis and be signed and dated.
  • The evaluation must be current. Disabilities may change in severity over time and documentation should support current accommodation needs.
  • Recommendations and rationale for accommodations and/or assistive technology must be based on the analysis of the functional impact of the diagnosis.

Fee-Based Programs

Valiant Learning Support Program

The Valiant Learning Support Program (VLSP) is a fee-based program designed to assist college-ready students to navigate the academic challenges of the college curriculum. This program offers students customized learning strategy sessions with highly trained, professional Learning Specialists.

Learning Specialists provide each student enrolled in the program with 3 hours of 1:1 academic support on a weekly basis which may include working with the students on writing skills, reading comprehension skills, executive functioning skills such as time management and prioritization, and study skills.

Learning Specialists use the student's own coursework to support students in their efforts to take ownership of their own learning and partner with students to promote self-advocacy and self-determination.

Please note that this program is not content driven.

PAC Program

The Pathways and Connections Program is an innovative and comprehensive fee-based program designed to assist college-ready students on the Autism Spectrum. The program focuses on executive functioning skills in the social realm and supports students with transitional skills and integration into the campus community.

The PAC Program components include the following:

  • Individual, Customized Meetings with PAC Coordinator
  • Weekly Group Sessions
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Social Events: On- and Off-Campus

Students may apply to VLSP and/or PAC after they have been accepted by the University and have made a deposit.

**Please note that there is a separate application process to be considered for these programs. Please see link above. The student must be enrolled at Manhattanville University and deposited before being eligible to apply.

Contact Information

Center for Student Accessibility

Library, Room 134

(914) 323-1434

Manhattanville Advancement Program (MAP)

The Manhattanville Achievement Program (MAP)  offers an opportunity for students with demonstrated need to reside on the Manhattanville University campus and enroll for full-time, degree-seeking status without a significant financial burden. This scholarship program ensures minimal cost of attendance and includes a broad range of services including academic, personal, and career counseling. Students must meet specific financial criteria in order to be considered for entry. This is a highly selective program and only available to first-time, first-year students, but will not be accepting new students for the 2024-2025 academic year. Additional information can be found here.

Students receive a broad range of services including academic, personal, and career counseling. Beyond the traditional academic focus of most scholarship programs, MAP encourages the development of the student as a whole — intellectually, ethically, and socially. Students are encouraged to participate in community service activities, student leadership workshops and develop personal and career goals.

Students are expected to meet with the MAP Program Advisor on a bi-weekly or monthly basis, attend various campus and MAP events, complete community service hours, and receive academic support to maintain a satisfactory GPA.  Accepted students will be required to participate in our 10-day Summer Intensive Program in mid-August. 

Peer Mentors Program

The Peer Mentors Program connects incoming Manhattanville students with successful upper-class students in order to help them with the transition to college life, with emphasis on successful academics and student life experiences. The Peer Mentors are student leaders who foster a holistic academic and social college environment for first year students. Their focus is on building a healthy relationship with the first year students, offering support, care, and resources. They build a solid connection between first year students and the larger Manhattanville University community by providing individualized attention, skill based workshops, and hosting monthly large scale programs throughout the academic year. Mentors must have over a 3.2 GPA and remain in good standing at the university. Mentor recruitment takes place during the Fall Semester. Mentors receive extensive training on a variety of topics.

Writing Center

The Andrew Bodenrader Center for Academic Writing and Composition is located in Library 122. For hours and scheduling information, please visit or call 914-323-5474. For more information, email and follow the Writing Center on Instagram @abcmville.