Refund Policy

The following refund schedules apply to all students who officially withdraw from classes. Refunds will be computed as of the official withdrawal date. Tuition will be refunded in accordance with the schedules below. Room and board will be refunded on a pro-rated basis if the student is released from the Housing Contract by Residence Life. Fees are not refundable. Refunds will be offset by appropriate reduction in financial aid, scholarships and loans. Refunds of credit balances must be requested in writing.

Full-time undergraduate students must contact the Academic Advising Office in order to formalize their withdrawal.

Students who withdraw or leave the University for disciplinary reasons are not entitled to a refund.

Please Note:

If payment was made by cash or check the refund will be made by check. Please allow two to three weeks for processing. If payment was made by credit card, the refund will be made to the credit card used to make the payment. Credit card refunds will be processed within 7 to 10 business days.

Withdrawal date is approved by either Academic Advising or Registrar’s Office, as appropriate:



Tuition Refund Schedule for Summer Sessions:

Once the Summer Session begins, 100% will be refunded for the first two days of the semester, 80% of tuition will be refunded on the third day of the semester; 50% will be refunded for fourth day of the semester and 0% after the fourth day of the semester. Refunds of credit balances must be requested in writing.

Tuition Refund Schedule for Winter Sessions:

Students are eligible for full refunds ONLY for drops made before the first day of the semester, 50% of tuition will be refunded until the close of business hours on the first day of the semester. No refunds after that date. Refunds of credit balances must be requested in writing

Tuition Refund Schedule for School of Professional Studies Module Programs:

  • 100% Refund - Before the first Saturday class meeting for that course.

  • 80% Refund - After attending the first Saturday (class must be dropped on the same date).

  • 60% Refund - The class must be dropped by the Monday following the first weekend meeting for the course.  

  • 40% Refund - The class must be dropped by the Friday before the second weekend meeting for the course.

  • No refund after the second weekend meeting for the course.

Financial Aid Repayment Policy

Students receiving financial aid from the University who withdraw from classes will have their aid reevaluated, possibly necessitating their repayment of a portion of the financial aid received. The necessity to repay financial aid depends upon the type of aid received, applicable government regulations, and the period of time in attendance. Attendance for a partial semester will generally count as one of the eight semesters of financial aid eligibility normally allowed to a student.


Financial Aid Repayment Policy

Students receiving financial aid from the University who withdraw from classes will have their aid reevaluated, possibly necessitating their repayment of a portion of the financial aid received. The necessity to repay financial aid depends upon the type of aid received, applicable government regulations, and the period of time in attendance. Attendance for a partial semester will generally count as one of the eight semesters of financial aid eligibility normally allowed a student.

Bursar Tuition Appeal Committee

Tuition Appeal Forms are for students who are requesting a refund, credit or balance waiver of their tuition charges due to extenuating circumstances that occurred during a given term. Grades received and recorded on the student’s transcript will not be affected by this process and will remain as part of the student’s academic record.

The Bursar Tuition Appeal Committee will consider requests for adjustments to tuition charges when a student can document extenuating circumstances such as:

  • Student Illness
  • Illness of immediate family member
  • Death of immediate family member
  • Military deployment
  • Change in employment schedule beyond the student’s control
  • Verifiable Advising Error

In all cases, the situation must have interrupted your ability to:

  • Adhere to the standard drop or withdrawal procedures.
  • Attend class(es) for a substantial length of time.
  • Complete the semester

The University considers the decision of the Bursar Tuition Appeal Committee final. Fees are not refundable. 

Grading, class assignments and other academic issues are not within the scope of this committee. Please contact your instructor, department chair, or academic dean.

Students should be aware that if a Tuition Appeal is submitted and they have received Financial Aid, their Aid may be impacted and they may potentially owe money to the University. We strongly suggest you meet with a Financial Aid Counselor before you file an appeal.

To obtain a copy of the Bursar Tuition Appeal Form visit the student accounts website or contact the office directly at 914-323-5266.

Once the Bursar Tuition Appeal Committee has reached a decision, the student will be sent an email within one-week of the meeting date stating the decision and action to be taken next by the University or the student.

  • If the tuition appeal is “approved”, the student’s tuition account will be adjusted accordingly.

  • If the tuition appeal is "approved with conditions”, the letter will outline which conditions the student needs to meet before the approval is processed.

If the Bursar Tuition Appeal Committee approves a credit, it will be available for up to a year from the semester that the appeal was submitted.

  • If the tuition appeal is “pending additional documentation”, the committee is requesting additional documentation in order to make a final decision. The student will have 30 days to submit the additional documentation or the appeal will be denied.

  • If the tuition appeal is “denied”, the student can request for the tuition appeal to be reconsidered by the committee if the student can supply additional documentation to support the circumstances.

Please note: Courses for which a tuition appeal are approved will not be dropped or withdrawn from your academic transcript. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw officially from courses within the specified deadline. This committee deals with adjustments to tuition only.