Business Management Certificate (For non-matriculated students only)
The certificate program is especially designed for people with little or no business experience who wish to develop managerial skills. It is particularly useful for those who wish to enter the job market.
Granting the Certificate
To be awarded the certificate in business management the student must complete three required courses and two electives. An average of C+ must be maintained. No course with a grade lower than C will be accepted towards the certificate.
Required Courses for the Certificate:
Elective Courses for the Certificate:
Completion of any two of the following:
It is strongly recommended that students take Principles of Microeconomics and Principles of Macroeconomics.
The required courses are designed to allow the student to assume the general responsibilities of a manager. The topics students will discuss are the basic tools of management, analysis of financial statements and marketing a product. The elective courses permit the student to obtain a deeper knowledge of particular aspects of management. The certificate program can be completed, in most cases, in one year. The college has established a four year time limit for the completion of course work for the certificate.
Note: the certificate is granted only to non-matriculated students.