Art History Departmental Honors and Distinction

Departmental Honors in art history will be granted to a graduating senior by a unanimous vote of all full-time faculty members after review of the student’s Art History Honors Portfolio. The Portfolio review is voluntary, and submission of a portfolio does not automatically guarantee that honors or distinction will be awarded. Students who intend to go on for graduate study in the field of art history are urged to submit an Honors Portfolio for review. Students who do not earn Honors will be automatically considered for Distinction.

Students who choose to be considered for Honors or Distinction in Art History must submit an Honors Portfolio.

The Honors Portfolio:

  • Proof of a 3.5 or better grade point average in major classes (with no less than a B+ in Seminar for Majors and in their Internship);
  • Proof of successful completion of at least two semesters of study in a foreign language, preferably French, Italian or German. In cases where students are enrolled in their second semester of language study during the Spring term of their senior year, proof of enrollment must be submitted. If honors are awarded, the award will be contingent upon successful completion of this second course.
  • Two research papers in the field of art history that demonstrate a student’s scholarly potential, and growth as an art history student. Papers will be evaluated for:
    • Demonstrated ability to conduct independent, meaningful research;
    • Clarity and originality of thesis and conclusions;
    • Elegance of writing;
    • Clarity, consistency, and logic of methodological approach;
    • Sophisticated integration of visual material into arguments.

Deadline: Students must submit their Honors Portfolio no later than April 15 of the Spring semester of their senior year, and must complete their Interview no later than April 30.

Notification: Students will be notified if Honors will be awarded no later than the first week of May.