Student Handbook/Code of Conduct 2021-2022 Manhattanville Code of Conduct Student Conduct Procedures Part 7 - Information Resolution Process
Upon determining that the complaint/incident is appropriate, the Conduct Officer will contact the student or student organization for a hearing meeting. If a student or student organization does not attend the hearing meeting without prior notice to the Conduct Officer, a decision may be rendered in the student’s or organization’s absence. Complainants do not attend hearing meetings with the respondents.
The Complainant and Respondent have 48 hours fromwhen the letter is sent by the Conduct Officer to schedule a hearing with the Conduct Officer. Failure to schedule and/or attend the hearing without prior consent from the Conduct Officer will result in:
The forfeiture of the student ability to present information on their behalf.
Sanctions being issued to the student without the benefit of their input.
The Respondent has a right to know the nature ofthe incident at the time of the hearing and provide any information and/or witness statements for the Conduct Officer to review.
Recording devices (audio and/or video) of any kind are not permitted for use during hearing meetings.
Student Conduct Procedures