If a student has a concern or issue in a course, they should first try to resolve the situation with their instructor. If the outcome of those discussions is unsatisfactory, the student should reach out to the Department Chairperson. If the outcome if this meeting is unacceptable, the student should schedule a meeting with the Associate Dean of the School of Education. The Associate Dean may convene a meeting of the Academic Standards Commitee, where appropriate, where the student can express their concerns. The committee will make a recommendation for the resolution of the student's issue.
The Dean of the School of Education has the final decision on the matter.
All written complaints/concerns should be accompanied by relevant documentation. The Dean and appropriate other parties will review the documents and the circumstances with the appropriate area and will either respond personally to the complaint or direct the appropriate member of the institution to do so within 10 days of receipt of the written complaint.
Due to Federal regulations the University generally only corresponds with students, not parents, guardians, or spouses. For a full statement of Manhattanville University FERPA policy, please see FERPA for Students and Parents (