Financial Aid Undergraduate Awarding Policy

Manhattanville’s institutional funding is awarded at the discretion of the Office of Admission upon admittance to the University.  Recipients are chosen on the basis of past academic performance and personal achievement, potential for active campus engagement, and demonstrated financial need. To determine a student’s need, the University uses Federal Methodology available through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  All or a portion of an award may be underwritten by endowment funds given by generous friends of the University. If this is the case, the recipient will be notified.

The University’s institutional aid is available for the first one-hundred and twenty (120) credits attempted toward completion of the bachelor’s degree for first-time, full-time, undergraduate students.  Full-time transfer students may be eligible for institutional aid up to, but not exceeding, the difference between the number of credits transferred to Manhattanville University and 120 total attempted credits.  In all instances, additional aid is not awarded to cover the loss of academic credits.  Exceptions may apply based on specific degree requirements.

All award values are conditional, as new information may impact eligibility and require verification of the financial aid application.

Students are required to notify Financial Aid of all private scholarships received. Per federal regulations, the receipt of private scholarships may impact a financial aid package.


If an adjustment is necessary, the University will eliminate or reduce in this order:

   Federal Work-Study

   Federal PLUS Loans

  • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans
  • Federal Direct Subsidized Loans

   Manhattanville institutional need-based aid

To receive or continue to receive financial aid funded by the state, the federal government, or the University (including loans, grants, jobs, scholarships), students must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress. For complete details, please refer to the section on Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Undergraduate Student Status

Undergraduate students are considered full-time when they are enrolled in 12 credit hours or more. Undergraduates registered for a total of 6 credit hours are considered half-time, below 6 credit hours is considered less than half-time.