Study Abroad

Many forms of financial aid can be applied toward the cost of a study abroad program depending on the type of program selected. Note students will not be admitted into a study abroad program if they owe a balance to the College. Please reach out to the Study Abroad office at 914-323-5168 for general information about each type of program.


Direct Exchange (DEXCO)


  • Students are billed Manhattanville tuition (no fees)
  • Students are responsible for their room, board, transportation and related expenses
  • Financial aid awards may be impacted due to the adjustment in their cost of attendance for the semester abroad
  • Students WILL retain any institutional merit scholarships (including tuition exchange) or need-based grants they were receiving in the semester prior to studying abroad
  • Students WILL retain their state and federal aid (if applicable)
    • Ex. PELL Grant, SEOG Grant, TAP Grant, Stafford Loans, PLUS loan
  • Students WILL NOT retain scholarships awarded for participation in any special programs, including Sister Mary T. Clark Community Service Award Program, Manhattanville First Generation Award Program, Castle Scholars Honors Program, Community College Honors Scholarship, etc.


Cooperative (COOP)

  • Students are billed Manhattanville tuition (no fees)
  • Students are responsible for their room, board, transportation and related expense
  • Financial aid awards may be impacted due to the adjustment in their cost of attendance for the semester abroad
  • Students may receive a $5,000 Manhattanville Scholarship Award. Funds are available for a maximum of fourteen (14) students annually to assist with the cost of studying abroad.
  • Students WILL retain their state and federal aid (if applicable)
    • Ex. PELL Grant, SEOG Grant, TAP Grant, Stafford Loans, PLUS loan
  • Students WILL NOT retain any institutional merit scholarships or need-based grants they were receiving in the semester prior to studying abroad
  • Students WILL NOT retain scholarships awarded for participation in any special programs, including Sister Mary T. Clark Community Service Award Program, Manhattanville First Generation Award Program, Castle Scholars Honors Program, Community College Honors Scholarship, etc.


  • Students are not billed by the College and are billed directly by the independent study abroad program
  • A consortium agreement must be approved and completed by the student in order to retain any state or federal aid
  • The consortium agreement must be approved and completed by the host school and the following offices at Manhattanville:
    • Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences (or for Radiologic Technology and Nursing majors, approval required by the Dean for the School of Nursing and Health Sciences)
    • Director of Financial Aid
  • Copies of the approved and completed documents must be submitted to the following:
    • Manhattanville OneStop Office
    • Study Abroad host program
  • Students WILL NOT retain any institutional merit scholarships or need-based grants they were receiving in the semester prior to studying abroad
  • Students WILL NOT retain scholarships awarded for participation in any special programs, including Sister Mary T. Clark Community Service Award Program, Manhattanville First Generation Award Program, Castle Scholars Honors Program, Community College Honors Scholarship, etc.