Part 1 - Organization and Philosophy


The Board of Trustees and President of Manhattanville College have delegated authority to the College Student Conduct System to adjudicate cases alleging violations of the Code of Student Conduct by Manhattanville College students.


The procedures included herein apply to the resolution of social misconduct and related matters. Academic integrity cases are handled through a separate process administered by Academic Integrity Office.


Supervision and implementation of the College Student Conduct System is the responsibility of the Vice President of Student Affairs and/or their designee. 


Manhattanville College is an institution of higher learning where individual growth and development are fostered, excellence is pursued, and the highest standards of integrity are expectedin all areas of life. Manhattanville College is committed to providing an environment where persons are safe, property is secure, individual rights of all persons are respected, and education of the highest quality is achieved.


The Code of Student Conduct outlines the behavior that is expected of all students at Manhattanville College. Having enrolled at Manhattanville College, all students have entered into an agreement to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in the Code of Student Conduct. Each student is responsible for conforming their conduct to the requirements of this code and applicable federal, state, and local laws.


Manhattanville College considers student leaders to be those that hold positional offices in organizations (i.e., president, vice president, secretary, treasurer) or those that influence the behaviors and decisions of an organization.


Manhattanville College considers its Code of Student Conduct as a statement of minimal expectations and seeks to foster a commitment to the highest standards of ethical behavior by the coherent, consistent, and fair manner in which it enforces its rules and regulations. The College views its student conduct process as a learning experience that is intended to result in the growth and understanding of individual responsibilities on the part of all persons.


Individuals who pursue allegations of student misconduct through the College Student Conduct System are deemed to have accepted the College’s philosophy that any potential sanctions will be designed to address the safety and security of persons and property and to educate students with regard to higher standards of behavior.


Violations of the Code of Student Conduct will be adjudicated by the College Student Conduct System, which is designed to reflect and to support the educational mission of the institution and ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all individuals and groups charged with or reporting student misconduct.


Requests for disability accommodations should be made to the Center for Student Accessibility.