Part 8 - Hearing Process


This conduct meeting will take place in a timely manner, usually within two weeks after the complaint/incident is received. Each party will be given written notice of the charges, the procedural rights of a student, and the date, time, and location of the hearing meeting.The hearing notice will be emailed at least three (3) business days prior to the scheduled conduct meeting.


The Conduct Officer will share the charges/violations with the individual and ask questions or clarification of the information provided.


The parties will be able to provide their encounter of the incident and provide names of witnesses to the Conduct Officer. The Conduct Officer will have the discretion to allow or exclude witnesses proposed by either party when the information offered by a witness would be cumulative or irrelevant, or the witness would unnecessarily compromise the confidentiality of the hearing.



All parties must act in a manner that is respectful of the proceedings and the rights of all individuals involved. It is the responsibility of each party to assure their advisor and witnesses act in a respectful manner.



At the conclusion of the hearing meeting, the Conduct Officer will discuss with the parties the possible outcome and sanction(s).


Each party will receive written notice of the confirmed decision within five (5) business days after the conduct meeting. If a decision cannot be made within five (5) business days after the hearing meeting, the Conduct Officer will reach out to the parties involved to inform of the delay. Sanctions may become effective immediately, even while an appeal is pending, where the facts and circumstances warrant. The timing of any sanctions will be specified in the written notice of the decision. Appeals from decisions of the Conduct Officer must meet the criteria set forth in Part 10 are heard by the Dean of Students or the Vice President of Student Affairs.