Part 4 - Interim Suspension and other Administrative Actions


The status of a respondent will not be changed while a case is pending, unless the Vice President of Student Affairs, or a designee, determines that an interim suspension or other measures are required to promote the safety and well-being of the College community. Interim suspension limits a student’s ability to be physically present on College property, participate in classes, and/or participate in College activities. 


The Vice President of Student Affairs or a designee may provisionally suspend a student to protect the safety, security, or well-being of all members of the College community. Absent extenuating circumstances, within two (2) business days, a student will be notified of tentative student conduct charges. Tentative charges are subject to change depending on the information gathered during an investigation. If tentative charges are filed, all efforts will be made to investigate the incident further and proceed with the student conduct process in a timely fashion. 


A student who is suspended on an interim basis will be given the opportunity to be heard by the College Conduct System. Such a request must be made by the student within two (2) College business days of the imposition of the interim suspension. The Conduct Officer will hear the case on the merits of the decision to impose the interim suspension within two (2) College business days of receipt of the student’s written request for a hearing. The decision will be confirmed within two (2) days of the hearing. If no such request is made, the interim suspension will remain in effect pending a hearing meeting on the merits of the conduct case, or until the safety or security concern is resolved.


Where an interim suspension is imposed in a case involving the arrest of the respondent, the College may require the associated criminal matter to be resolved in full prior to the pending conduct case being heard on its merits. In cases of sexual misconduct, the College may be required to proceed with the conduct case prior to resolution of an associated criminal matter. 


In certain circumstances, a No Contact Directive may be issued by the Vice President of Student Affairs, designee, or the Title IX Officer, as a directive to prohibit communication to, or among, designated students when there is reason to believe that continued contact is not in the best interest of the involved students to promote their safety and security, or to prevent future negative interactions between the students. 


No Contact Directives prohibit all forms of contact including, but not limited to, contact via social media, contact via a third party and/or in person contact. In certain circumstances, as indicated on the No Contact Directive, a student who receives a No Contact Directive that is issued understands that it remains the student’s responsibility to remove themselves from the situation as quickly as possible under the circumstances.


If a No Contact Directive is issued, both parties will receive an emailed copy of the Contract and both parties are expected not to have contact with one another. 


No Contact Orders will be reviewed by the Conduct Officer or a designee, to determine if there is a need to continue the contract after the investigation or remove the contract. Both parties will be notified in writing of the decision of the Conduct Officer, or the designee. 


Violations of No Contact Directive by the student to whom it is actionable under the Manhattanville College Student Code of Conduct and will be considered a disciplinary offense and may result in suspension from the College.


No Contact Directive may be removed or amended by the Vice President of Student Affairs or the designating conduct officer. If either involved student wants the Contract to be removed, a written request to have the No Contact Directive removed should be sent to the Vice President of Student Affairs or designee. Manhattanville College is not responsible for negative behaviors that may result from removal of the No Contact Directive if the individual requesting the removal of the No Contact Directive is the person who requested its issuance. The letter must include: 


  1.   A description of the events resulting in the No Contact Directive being issued.

  2. Names of those listed on the No Contact Directive.

  3. Reasons why the No Contact Directive should be removed or amended.

  4. Plans to prevent any negative incidents from occurring between parties listed in the order.


No Contact Directive will not be considered for removal if all elements of the written request are not addressed, or if there is evidence of the potential for future negative incidents between listed parties or the other party does not want the No Contact Directive removed.


No Contact Directives are a part of a student’s conduct file.