Masters Degree and Accelerated Teacher Certification Program
Manhattanville University offers students the opportunity to obtain interim certification while completing a selected master’s degree program. This program, primarily designed for career changers or current Teaching Assistants, offers two types of certifications: Internship and Transitional B certificates. While each pathway has a unique set of criteria, both enable candidates to begin teaching after completing one year of the program. The program for either pathway begins each fall and guides students through a specific course sequence that prepares them for the certification selected.
After completing at least 50% of the master's degree, finishing all required NYS workshops, and passing NYS exams (number dependent on pathway selected), teacher candidates are eligible for a full-time teaching position for the following September. Students will be working under a NYS Internship Certificate or Transitional B Certificate while finishing their master's degree.
The Internship Certificate is valid for up to two years from the effective date and the Transitional B Certificate is valid for up to three years from the effective date. Both certificates are not renewable. When the student completes their master's program and fulfills the NYSED requirements, the Internship Certificate and/or Transitional B Certificate is no longer valid. Manhattanville will then submit an institutional recommendation for initial certification in the TEACH system.
The Internship Certification pathway is available for dual certification with Special Education in the areas of Early Childhood Education, Childhood Education, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Social Studies, and English; and for certification in Physics, World Languages, TESOL, and Computer Science Education. The Transitional B Certification pathway is available for dual certification with Special Education in Childhood Education. The School of Education will assist candidates with Internship Certificates in locating opportunities to apply for full-time teaching positions. Students with Transitional B certificates will work with their home districts to explore employment opportunities.