Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Health Professions Coursework

For college graduates who are interested in entering medical, dental, veterinary or any other graduate/professional programs in the Health Sciences, Manhattanville's Post-Baccalaureate coursework provides an opportunity to complete pre-requisites for entry into graduate and professional programs in the Health Sciences. Students who have earned a Bachelor's degree with a major and/or minor outside of the sciences and are now seeking to complete the necessary pre-requisite core courses required of most graduate programs in the Health Sciences, as well as those students who have earned a Bachelor's degree with a major or minor in the sciences and are currently seeking academic enhancement by repeating course work already taken and/or enrolling in upper-level science courses, may apply to be a Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Health student. In addition, some students undertake Post-Baccalaureate course work as a means of preparation and review for entrance exams like the MCAT, DAT, etc. Students work with an advisor to identify appropriate course selections based on their needs and goals and design an individualized program of study. Required courses are offered in the Summer Session as well as during the academic year.

Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Health (PBPH) students may also complete a Health Sciences Certificate. For more information on the Certificate, please see the Health Sciences Certificate section of this Catalog.