School of Nursing and Health Sciences Information and Policies

School of Nursing and Health Sciences Mission

Manhattanville University School of Nursing and Health Sciences is committed to transforming the lives of students through the provision of an innovative and modern nursing education that develops nurse professionals who are design thinkers, inter-professional collaborators, proficient in high patient centered care and technology, and holistically trained.

School of Nursing and Health Sciences Philosophy

The philosophy of the School of Nursing and Health Sciences at Manhattanville University is grounded in both a professional and practice profession that is built upon the arts and sciences foundation. Watson's Theory of Human Caring is the overarching nursing theory that informs the mission philosophy and professional practice model, and the conceptualization of the philosophy is based on the Caritas Process. Caritas nurses have an ethical responsibility to be genuinely present and centered for the patient while performing the needed tasks and procedures to foster healing and caring moments. This provides the balance between technology and caring to develop a truly high-tech, high-care nurse. The nurse, as an agent of change, will become a stellar inter-professional collaborator, who incorporates design thinking as a practical method for innovation and problem solving.