Academic Probation and Dismissal Policy
Academic Probation
Academic probation is based on the following:
- Undergraduate students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program and the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program qualify for academic probation if they fail to maintain a 2.3 cumulative GPA.
- Undergraduate students on academic probation may not be granted an Incomplete/Grade Deferred (GD) in any course during the semester of their probation. In addition, they are required to meet with their designated advisor on a regular basis throughout the semester. Full-time undergraduate, traditional students on academic probation must register for 15 or 16 credits in the semester of probation, and may not withdraw below 12 credits. As probationary students are not in satisfactory academic standing, they may not participate in intercollegiate athletics.
- At the end of each semester, the SNHS Dean will receive a report of students qualifying for probation. Students on probation will receive written communication from the Dean of informing them of their probationary status. If the student feels the probation letter was sent in error, the student may contact the Dean.
Program Dismissal
Dismissal from the Nursing program is based on the following:
- A student's cumulative GPA falls below 2.3 for two consecutive semesters (including courses attempted in summer session).
- A student does not achieve a grade of C+ or above in a required nursing (NUR) course, or P in all required laboratory/clinical courses, on a second attempt;
- A student fails a second required NUR-prefix course or non-NUR course*; or
- A student commits a second violation of academic integrity.
* Note: A monimum grade of C- is required for all non-NUR courses and non-nursing major prerequisite courses. A student may repeat only one course, including all NUR-prefix courses and non-NUR courses. Students cannot withdraw from courses they have failed and are retaking.
At the end of each semester, the SNHS Dean will receive a report of students qualifying for dismissal. Students will receive written communication informing them the schedule of Academic Appeals Committee (AAC) for dismissals. Students qualifying for dismissals may appeal to Academic Appeals Committee (AAC). Students should direct their appeal requests to Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Nursing by the semester's school-set deadline. If the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Nursing concludes that a dismissal appeal hearing is warranted, the Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, Nursing will notify the student and the SNHS Dean that a grade appeal hearing will occur. The Academic Appeals Committee will be assembled for the hearing.
The Academic Appeals Committee is composed of the following:
- Two Faculty
- One Student
- One Administrator
The student will be asked to attend the committee meeting to discuss their grounds for the dismissal appeal. The Academic Appeals Committee will make recommendations to the SNHS Dean. The SNHS Dean will communicate the final resolution.
Further appeals can only be considered on the basis of procedural unfairness or new evidence. Such appeals should be directed to the Provost within 48 hours after the student has received the letter from the SNHS Dean.
If the appeal is approved, the student should contact their advisor to readjust their curriculum plan and future term registration. A seat in the sections that were dropped, as well as in clinical, lab, and didactic courses, is not guaranteed. Additionally, clinical and lab placement may be chosen for the student by the SNHS clinical team.
Students who wish to be readmitted must have been out of the program for at least one academic year before reapplying. A student will have only one opportunity for readmission to the Nursing Program. A student being readmitted to the program must repeat any required nursing courses taken more than two years ago. Once a student is readmitted, they cannot fail or withdraw from any courses. Students who have had an interruption of two years or more should proceed with the required application process through the Admissions department.
Students who reapply within the two-year window will follow the readmission process outlined below:
- Any student who is being readmitted to the program must meet all prerequisites for subsequent course work.
- Credit for prior science courses (Anatomy and Physiology I and II, Microbiology, Chemistry will be considered if the course(s) have been taken within five (5) years of readmission to the program.
- Any student who is unsuccessful or withdraws from a course for any reason must repeat the entire course, including clinical components.
- The student will be held to current standards of courses as outlined in the syllabi.
- Students seeking readmission to the Nursing program must submit a letter to the Office of the Dean requesting reinstatement. Requests must be submitted by:
- March 1 for students seeking admission summer semester
- October 1 for students seeking admission to the spring semester
- July 1 for students seeking admission to the fall semester
- The letter requesting reinstatement should specify the semester, year and course to which the student seeks readmission.
- The letter should be written in essay form with proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. The letter should include:
- Recognition of the deterring factors in the previous program attempt;
- Evidence of remediation of the deterring factors; and
- A plan for achieving successful completion of the Nursing program
- The Academic Appeals Committee will review the student's request, determine their readmission status, and the Dean or the Associate Dean of academics will notify the student accordingly.
- Available seat openings do not guarantee readmission.
- Consideration of extenuating and unusual student circumstances is at the discretion of the Academic Appeals committee.
- The committee decision will be based on a review of the following documentation:
- student's letter
- student's clinical evaluations for all courses completed and attempted
- student's updated transcripts and prior academic performance (GPA, exams)
- student's compliance with current health requirements
- other pertinent data
- Students whose readmission is approved, except those repeating the first semester courses, will be required to demonstrate minimum competency as stated below before they are allowed to register for courses:
- A dosage calculation test, which will require a score of 100% to pass.
- Comprehensive skill evaluation, which will require satisfactory level to pass.