Clinical Placement Guidelines

Many variables must be considered in matching clinical sites and students. For example, the availability of placement opportunities at clinical sites is an important factor, as are the prior experiences and needs of a particular student and other students in the program. Students are not permitted to contact a clinical site or a preceptor about a clinical placement. Students may not attend a clinical experience when the University is not open. There are no guarantees that students will get a clinical placement of their first choice.

  • Before students are permitted to commence a clinical placement, they must have successfully completed the health clearance process, mandatory training, and the dosage calculation examination. Students will not be considered for a clinical placement until they have satisfied these prerequisites.
  • A conflict of interest can arise if a student has a familial, social, or long term professional relationship with a person who would have direct supervision of the student during the clinical placement. Students have the responsibility of disclosing to the Clinical Placement Coordinator any actual or potential conflict of interest. The Clinical Placement Coordinator will assess the circumstances and determine whether there is an actual conflict of interest.
  • Students are not permitted to enroll in two clinical sections on the same day. If a student enrolls in two clinical sections on the same day, the student will be dropped from one clinical section by his/her academic advisor
  • On occasion, clinical sections may be cancelled due to circumstances such as changes in enrollment, scheduling issues, agency needs, and similar factors. The School of Nursing and Health Sciences will notify students when a clinical section is cancelled. Every effort will be made to enroll the student in another section of the course with the least disruption as possible, to the student's course schedule.
  • If a student fails a course with a clinical component, the clinical placement may be chosen by the clinical team for the student.
  • If a student fails a course with a clinical component, the course with the clinical component from the next semester will be dropped and registered to the course that needs to be repeated, regardless of whether the student is in the process of grieving the failed course. If the unsuccessful grade is overturned at the end of the grievance process, the student will be re-registered. However, the clinical placement will be chosen by the clinical team based on availability.
  • Students are required to schedule and attend a mandatory advisement session with their academic advisor prior to registration each semester. This session must be scheduled during the given advising period.
  • Religious, Military, and Athletic Obligations must be submitted to the Clinical team prior to registration. Due dates for submission for each semester are:
    • Spring Semester: November 1. The letter must cover dates from January 1 to May 25
    • Summer Semester: March 1. The letter must cover dates from May 26 to August 31
    • Fall Semester: June 1. The letter must cover dates from September 1 to December 25
  • Students who would like to request religious observance considerations must provide the clinical team with a religious exemption letter, on official letterhead, from their clergy explaining the specifics of their religious obligations. An official letter will be required each semester by the specific date given prior to registration. While the clinical team will make every effort to accommodate these requests, SNHS cannot guarantee that all requests will be fully met.
  • Students who have military obligations that may conflict with clinical courses must provide the clinical team with an official letter from their commanding officer outlining their schedule of obligations. An official letter will be required each semester by the specific date given prior to registration. While the clinical team will make every effort to accommodate these requests, SNHS cannot guarantee that all requests will be fully met
  • Students who have athletic obligations that may conflict with clinical courses must provide the clinical team with an official letter from their athletic coach or supervisor outlining their schedule of obligations. An official letter will be required each semester by the specific date given prior to registration. The clinical team will make every effort to accommodate these requests, but cannot guarantee that all requests will be fully met.