Clinical Learning Laboratory Guidelines

Dress Code

  • Manhattanville ID or clinical facility issued ID must be worn at all times.
  • Uniforms and footwear must be clean, properly maintained, and appropriately fitted to allow for unrestricted movement. The Manhattanville logo must be displayed.
  • If permitted by the clinical facility, clothing worn under scrub tops are to be black or white in color and not extend below the elbow or bottom of the lower hem of the scrub top.
  • Footwear must be closed toe, closed heel, non-porous upper in solid colored white.
  • White socks, stockings or hosiery must be worn.
  • Clothing must be free of tobacco odor, excessive fragrance and body odor.
  • Hair is to be styled in a manner that does not require readjustment, is not loose and does not dangle.
  • Facial hair must be neatly groomed.
  • Fingernails must be no longer than 0.25 inch past the end of the finger. No nail polish is permitted. Artificial nails and extenders are also NOT permitted.
  • Jewelry is not permitted except for one small stud earring in each earlobe, a wristwatch and one smooth surface ring.
  • Face piercings and tattoos must not be visible, unless permitted by the clinical facility.
  • Chewing gum is prohibited.
  • If the required uniform for the clinical setting is not a Manhattanville uniform, “business attire,” must be adhered to. Jeans, shorts, tee-shirts, opened toed shoes, sandals, flip-flops, sweatpants, sweatshirts are not permitted.

Failure to comply with this dress code may result in the student being dismissed from the clinical site or the laboratory session for the day and counted as an unexcused absence. If the student is dismissed from the laboratory session, they are responsible for making up the hours.

Skills and Health Assessment Practice Session Procedures

  • Practice sessions are staffed by the Laboratory Assistants for guided practice of nursing or health assessment skills.
  • Students may use the signup sheet provided in the laboratory to schedule a practice time. An appointment is required.
  • Students might be referred by their clinical instructors to the lab for mandatory practice sessions on the skills they are not performing well on at their clinical sites.

Equipment Use

The equipment in the Clinical Learning Laboratory has been selected to increase student learning; therefore, care of the equipment is expected.

  • Do not use betadine on the manikins or task trainers.
  • Do not use ink pens or markers near the mannequins or task trainers.
  • All mannequins and actors should be treated in a professional manner as if they are actual patients.
  • All students should follow Universal Precautions against infectious disease while participating in clinical activities in the laboratory.
  • All sharps must be disposed of in an appropriately labeled sharps container.
  • Under no circumstances may sharps be removed from the Clinical Learning Laboratory.
  • All injuries, including "clean" needle sticks, should be reported to the instructor and Clinical Learning Laboratory staff.

Students who do not comply with the rules regarding the equipment use outlined above may face disciplinary action such as verbal or written warnings, probation, or dismissal from the program, depending on the severity of the violation(s).


  • At the beginning of each semester, students will be notified of their scheduled simulation time. The simulation day may not be the same day of the week as the clinical day.
  • Students are to report to the Clinical Learning Laboratory 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
  • Makeup for a simulation day absence will be arranged by the clinical instructor, course coordinator/chair, and/or the Director of the Clinical Learning Laboratory.


  • Professional conduct and communication are expected at all times in the Clinical Learning Laboratory. Students will be participating in and observing others during laboratory experiences. It is expected that all participants maintain a respectful learning environment.
  • The Simulation Laboratories should be treated as a real clinical setting at all times. We recognize the mannequins are not real; however, all mannequins and actors should be treated in a professional manner and as if they are actual patients. No information may be discussed outside of the Laboratory.
  • Mobile phones are not to be used during learning laboratory sessions and should be off or on airplane mode.
  • Students may not use photography at any time in the clinical learning laboratory.
  • Simulations and/or debriefings may be recorded or viewed for quality assurance, quality improvement, instructional purposes, or research purposes.
  • All simulation day information is considered confidential and is not to be discussed outside of the Clinical Learning Laboratory.
  • Students will be sent a link to an online, anonymous survey regarding their simulation experience which all students are expected to complete.
  • Student feedback is used to identify areas of opportunity and potential improvement in our simulation program.
  • No food and only closed water bottles permitted in the laboratories.

All students are expected to comply with professional conduct rules. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, including verbal or written warnings, probation, or dismissal from the program, depending on the severity of the violation(s).