Course Withdrawals

With the exception of First Year Program courses, students may withdraw from a course(s) without academic penalty up to the published withdrawal deadline on the Academic Calendar. In order to withdraw, students must obtain the signature of the instructor of the course as well as their advisor. Students are responsible for bringing the signed form to the OneStop Office; until OneStop processes the form, the withdrawal is not complete. Students are to attend all courses listed on their official transcript until such time as the official withdrawal is processed. Once official, the course then appears on the transcript with a "W" grade.

Note: Full-time undergraduate students cannot withdraw below 12 credits without demonstration and documentation of extraordinary circumstances. Full-time students seeking to withdraw below 12 credits must submit a written appeal and all supporting documentation to the Office of Academic Advising for consideration. Falling below 12 credits may have financial ramifications. Please note that students who are in danger of failing a course due to violations of the Code of Academic Integrity are not permitted to withdraw.

Students normally may not withdraw from a First Year Program course. Any request for withdrawal from an FYP course requires formal approval by the FYP Coordinator and Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. If granted, such a withdrawal does not constitute an exemption from completion of all FYP requirements.