Transfer Credit Policies

Manhattanville University welcomes transfer students and encourages the educational enrichment of all its students. The policies stated below are intended to facilitate the evaluation and awarding of transfer credit. Students are advised to consult with the appropriate department chair prior to enrolling in any course at another institution.

Coursework eligible for transfer must come from regionally accredited institutions or from non-regionally accredited institutions with comparable curricular and standards to those at Manhattanville University.

While the evaluation of transcripts is made by the transfer credit evaluator, the criteria by which equivalencies are determined and credits are accepted are established by the Manhattanville faculty.

Transfer credit may be earned prior to matriculating at Manhattanville and also while a student is a degree candidate, as for example during summer sessions or during a leave of absence.

Pre-approval for transfer credit is required of matriculated students who plan to take courses at institutions other than Manhattanville.

Courses submitted for transfer of credit must be:

  • part of the normal undergraduate curriculum published in the institution’s catalog
  • recorded on an official transcript of the credit-granting institution

If a student has an Associate's degree (AA, AS, or AAS) and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 for all courses taken toward that degree, they will receive full credit for all the courses successfully completed toward that degree.

Transfer students who hold an AA or AS degree from an accredited institution are exempt from completing Manhattanville University's General Education requirements. Please note that this exemption does not apply to those transfer students holding an AAS degree from an accredited institution.

Please Note:

  • All external course work to be evaluated for transfer and posting to the student’s academic record must be submitted to Manhattanville University via an official transcript or appropriately certified document. The University reserves the right to determine the authenticity of all transcript records and may refuse to process transfer credits if questionable conditions exist.
  • Except in cases of verifiable clerical error, transfer course work that has been evaluated and entered on the student’s academic record cannot be removed.
  • After submission to Manhattanville University, official transcripts and documents become the property of the University and join the student’s permanent academic record. Documents will not be released in any form to a current or former student for reuse for any purpose.

Courses Not Eligible for Transfer

When considering courses at other institutions for purposes of transfer credit, students should be aware that certain courses may not be approved for transfer. Such courses include:

  • physical education courses
  • pre-professional courses
  • vocational courses
  • remedial courses
  • English as a Second Language
  • courses taken at institutions without regional accreditation

Credit from International Institutions

Students who intend to transfer credits for courses taken at international institutions are required to provide evaluation reports (translated and verified with grade equivalencies) from agencies such as the World Education Service (WES).

Non-Matriculated Students

Non-matriculated students are not required to submit college transcripts and transfer credit will not be awarded if an official transcript is received. Students may be asked to produce transcripts of previous college coursework if they are seeking to register for a Manhattanville course that requires completion of certain prerequisites.

Quarter to Semester Conversions

Credits will be converted by multiplication at the rate of two-thirds.

Transfer Course Equivalencies

Students may view their transfer credits and credit by examination in ServiceHub by selecting the Transcript tab. This shows external credits among students' institutional credits earned at Manhattanville. For a specific listing of external credits accepted, students may click on Transfer Equivalencies button in ServiceHub. This screen will show all accepted credits that students have earned, along with specific Manhattanville equivalencies. Though many courses transfer to Manhattanville with a specific equivalent (i.e. SOC.1001 or HIS.1011), many courses will have a generic course equivalent.