Continuing Manhattanville Students

If a student has taken a course or courses at another institution and they wish to count these courses toward their major or minor, the courses must be approved in the Transfer Evaluation System (TES) or by submitting a Transfer Equivalency Form, approved by the relevant division, to the Registrar's Office. Please be aware that certain programs require higher than a C- for major or minor credit.

The maximum amount of transfer credit that may applied to the Manhattanville transcript is 90 credits. One half of the courses for the major, and one half of the courses for the minor must also be completed at Manhattanville. (Please note: some majors may require more than half the courses to be completed at Manhattanville. Please consult the program page in the University Catalog for details concerning a specific major.)

In general, the Manhattanville transcript only lists the number of transfer credits awarded/accepted. Individual courses and grades will not appear on the transcript and grades earned at another institution are not factored into the Manhattanville GPA. Exceptions to this policy include credit earned in a cooperative study abroad program, SUNY Purchase cross-registration, or approved consortium agreement. (Please note that not all study abroad programs are cooperative).

As mentioned above, many course equivalencies are recorded in the Transfer Evaluation System (TES); please consult TES for pre-approved courses. Courses not listed in TES will be evaluated by the Registrar's Office on an individual basis in consultation with the division chair if necessary. If you wish to confirm an equivalency prior to registration at another institution, the Transfer Credit Approval form can be completed and submitted the Registrar's Office; this form can be obtained on the Registrar's Office website. The division chair as well as the student's advisor must sign the form, which must indicate the Manhattanville equivalency for the course to be taken at the other institution.

At the completion of the course, the student must request that an official transcript of the completed course work be sent to the transfer credit evaluator (Registrar's Office). Upon receipt, course work will be evaluated and credit will be applied as listed in TES or on the Approval form.

Please allow 1-2 weeks for processing of transcripts after they have been received by the Registrar's Office.

Retaking Courses at Another Institution

If a student takes a course at another institution that is equivalent to a Manhattanville course that the student previously completed, the same repeat policies apply as if the course were taken at the University. Retaking a course in which the original grade was "F" at Manhattanville will allow the student to earn transfer credit for the repeated course. Retaking a course in which the original grade was "D" or higher prevents the student from receiving transfer credit, though earning a higher grade may fulfill a specific major or minor requirement.