EDU.5344 Child Development and Learning (PK-12)

In this course, candidates will learn about the developmental milestones of childhood and adolescence. Candidates will explore ways in which the cognitive, emotional/social, motor, and linguistic aspects of student development influence the curricular and instructional choices that teachers make. Further, candidates will study human developmental processes and variations, including but not limited to: the impact of culture, heritage, socioeconomic level, personal health and safety, nutrition, past or present abusive or dangerous environment, and factors in the home, school, and community on students' readiness to learn, and skill in applying that understanding to create a safe and nurturing learning environment that is free of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and that fosters the health and learning of all students, and the development of a sense of community and respect for one another. Satisfies prerequisite requirement. Childhood through Adolescence.
