Sport Studies

Introduction & Overview

The interdisciplinary coursework in the Sport Studies program exposes students to the culture, history, politics, business, physiology, and psychology of sport, establishing a foundation of knowledge to prepare students for a variety of post-graduation paths. The program nurtures a spirit of inquiry that asks students to stretch their perspectives, emphasizing skills in cultural analysis and critical thinking that give graduates a strong understanding of the influence of sport on the mind and body as well as on society. 


Bachelor of Arts in Sport Studies


Sport Studies, Nutrition, Exercise Science, Sport Performance and Motivation

Career Ideas

Athlete Training, Broadcasting, Sports Writing, Podcasting, Teaching, Non-Profit, Graduate Studies, Health and Wellness, Occupational Therapy, Personal Training and Fitness, Physical Education, Physical Therapy, Sport & Exercise Psychology, Sport Media and Journalism, Sport Business, Sport Marketing, Sport Management and Sport Law.

Division Chair

Amy Bass, 914.323.5127,


Amy Bass

Seth Tannenbaum

Samantha White

Affiliated Full-time Faculty

Tina Bardsley

Christopher Pappas

J. Patrick Redding

Gregory Swedberg