Women’s and Gender Studies (minor only)

Introduction & Overview

The Women’s and Gender Studies program considers historical and current analyses of women and gender in the US and globally. This program draws on the unique offerings of several programs at Manhattanville. This interdisciplinary program provides students the opportunity to study women’s lives and gender through the perspectives of anthropology, art history, communication studies, English, film studies, history, political science, sociology, world literatures and languages, and world religions.

Women’s Studies began as the academic outgrowth of women’s and feminist activism in the late 1960s and 1970s. At this time, women’s voices and experiences were rarely represented in the social or natural sciences. The Women’s Studies program at Manhattanville was founded in 1981. Students in the program have gone on to be community organizers, attend graduate school, and work in a variety of professional fields.



Women’s and Gender Studies 


Division Chair

Amy Bass, 914.323.5127, Amy.Bass@mville.edu


Affiliated Faculty and Staff


Amy Bass (Sport Studies)

Leah Manning (Psychology)

Steffi Shook (Communication Studies)

Gregory Swedberg (History)

Alexis Romero Walker (Communication Studies)