Music Business, Bachelor of Arts

Major Requirements

Required Courses

Choose three of the following:

MUTR.1010Music Theory I: Foundations and Sight-Singing for Musical Theatre


MUTR.1100Music Theory II: Practical Applications of Theory and Advanced Sight-Singing for Musical Theatre


MUH.2012History of Music and Drama






MUB.1011Introduction to Music Business: An Overview


MUB.2011Music Publishing and Copyright Law


MUB.3011Digital and Legal Issues of the Music Business


MUB.3997Music Business Senior Project




MKT.1003Introduction to Marketing


Internship Seminar

MUB 3997: Internship Project Seminar:  Students in the B.A. in Music Business program undertake a semester of supervised internship associated with a seminar. Students are responsible for finding, and participating in an internship at a placement associated with the music industry. Students will be evaluated by an onsite supervisor and a faculty member, and will be required to submit an ongoing log of activities to the faculty member. As part of the seminar assignment for the course, students research current controversial issues in the music business, document findings in a paper, and present to the class.

Minimum Grade Policy

A grade of at least C- is required for coursework to count towards all Music programs, except in the Senior Capstone course, which requires a minimum grade of C. 


Performance Requirements

Music Business students are not required to hold any performances. However, students are encouraged to develop performance skills on at least one instrument or voice.

Students pursuing a B.A. in Music Business must accumulate a minimum of 90 liberal arts credits.

Note: Most courses with the MUA department code, as well as some courses with the MUB department code, and MKT 1003 are not liberal arts courses.