Procedures for Senior Recitals

Students should observe the following procedures for management and preparation of a Senior Recital:

  •  B.F. A. Musical Theatre students construct their Senior Recital programs during the Musical Theatre Performance Seminars, in collaboration with the Seminar instructors and their Voice instructors, who must approve all performance material. The recital program is submitted to the Division Chair for review. Classical Repertoire is due October 1, Musical Theatre Repertoire is due December 1.
  • B.F.A. Musical Theatre recitals should be approximately 60 minutes in length. Approximately 1/4 of the program should be from the classical repertoire; 3/4 of the program from musical theatre. Students may include duet/ensemble work, scene work, and dance.
  • If a student wishes to play a secondary instrument on her/his recital, the student must be studying the secondary instrument on campus and have the approval of both applied music instructors (main and secondary medium).
  • All performance material must be memorized.
  • The classical portion of a Musical Theatre recital will include a minimum of one song in a second language. Translations and program notes must be included in the recital program.
  • Each recital will be graded by Music Faculty, whose notes will be available for review following the performance. The recital grade will stand as the jury portion of the applied music grade for the semester of the performance. A student is not required to perform a jury during the semester of their recital.
  • Pianists are available to accompany required B.F. A. recitals.  Manhattanville pays the accompanist fee for a classical recital; students are responsible for an accompanist fee of $175 for the musical theatre recital. These fees include the recital and one dress rehearsal and are due the day of the dress rehearsal. If a student performs an elective recital, it is the responsibility of the student to find and compensate an accompanist. Rehearsal time and space with an accompanist will be made available during the semester of the recital but use of Pius X Recital Hall must be scheduled in the Music Office.